(Trindade foi menina, em "Debut".
Depois, antes da evidência e da experiência de Consciência Suprema em si, enfrentou o desafio da personalização da confusão em "antes Dele em mim".

"Enigma Reflexivo" mostra Trindade conhecendo mais a si mesma, em um labirinto espelhado.

Em "A morte de Joan", reencontrou após muitos anos, um amor perdido, e se sentiu viva novamente.

Com a progressão do tempo e pela misericórdia do Universo, Trindade conhece Oliveira, conhece o que é pertencer a alguém e ter alguém para si. "Nós e os nós" é um fim de semana típico dos dois.

E Átila....

Átila quer ver Prússia antes de partir. Acha que lá encontrará a mesma juventude que ficou para trás, junto de Régina. Agora que Régina tem sua família, pouco faz sentido. É um diálogo sobre amor, perda e reencontro.


terça-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2017

o catequista esotérico


Two children had doubts about the existence of God.
A third youngster appeared as they walked along the brick road carrying a bag of wheat.

- What do you have in this bag?, the third one asked

- It is wheat.

- Did you crop it?

- We did.

- And where are you taking it?

- We are taking it home.

- What are you going to do with it after it gets home?

- We are going to peal it, save in cellars and make bread.

- Tell me something: if you were a bread, would you say you came ready and grown from the oven?


- Where were you before?

- Before I was grown man, I was a baby.

- And before that?

- Before that I was inside my mother's womb.

- And before?

- I think....

So the third boy takes a seed of wheat from the ground.....

- There is no separation between the soul and the moment that we become one, the conception. The conception is the soul. However, every time our cells multiply and that we become two, it is also an encounter with the self within the void, and that's also the soul. This self that we embark into, every time that our cells multiply is the same Self in which we all emerge in the universe as we grow. As soon as the two lone cells that once built us as babies have transformed us into one, the void in between this encounter is present through each multiplication of our cells.

The two boys ask:

- I know I have a soul because I have feelings

the second boy:

- but I don't see how this soul is attained to a Supreme Power.

The third boy:

- As our cells expand, 'till the last breath, it is definitely expanding outwards somewhere. And everything in the outter space is expanding, just like us. We are helping the universe to expand through our own multiplying of cells, our contact with the void in between.

- So?

- If the universe is expanding it is certainly outraging a physical limit. But it is expanding TO another place. This ELSEWHERE to whereas everything goes in-a-bound, the nothingness that turns into something as soon as we breathe, He is All Powerful, The Creator.

- Are there any other interpretations for this Master?

- Two boys carrying the wheat....The wheat and me, preaching about the soul.....The boys cultivate the wheat, crop and prepare. The wheat is the most humble of all and gives its beautiful existence for the sake of men. I speak about all this....




- Now go and read the book of Mathews. Saturday we have the catechism at 10AM! Won't you miss like last week!

- Yes, Mr Catechist! - and they run home to read the Bible

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